Being persuasive is a vital skill for successful personal and business relationships.
Whether alone or in groups, with friends or with strangers, at work or at home, we are often called to share a vision, an idea, and a plan for putting something into action.
Maybe it’s the launch of a new product or service? Maybe you’re trying to convince the family to consider a move? The point is we’re all selling our ideas more than we realize.
In his book “The Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth” James Altucher lays out what he calls the “U’s” of persuasion:
Urgency – Why is your solution an urgent issue? Is money being wasted or lost? Is revenue being missed? Can lives be made easier?
Unique – Do you have an original approach to a tired problem? How does your idea differ from the status quo?
Useful – Why is your solution useful? Does it promise speed, value, and tangible benefits?
Ultra-Specific – Leave out the fluff. You should be able to explain the essence of the solution in 3 to 5 sentences.
Unquestionable Proof – You can show this in testimonials, profits, and other measurable key performance indicators.
Here’s Altucher on why this works: “This is the way to bond and connect with another person’s needs instead of your own pathetic wants…If you can help people solve urgent problems around recognition, remuneration, relaxation, results, or even romance, then they are more likely to say yes to you.”
Have a great week.

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