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Study hard, laugh often, keep your honor – The Sunday Snippet – [6.17.12]

Tim Russert’s likeability, credibility and razor-sharp wit and intelligence made him one of the most respected and recognizable figures in television news. He was the long-time NBC News correspondent and Meet the Press moderator who died of an unexpected heart attack, and much too young, in 2008.

Russert could go toe-to-toe with U.S. Presidents, Senators, and world leaders, yet had the gratitude and thoughtfulness to write affectionately about his modest upbringing in Buffalo, New York. In his 2004 book Big Russ & Me, he celebrated the hard work, steadiness and modesty of his father, Timothy Joseph “Big Russ” Russert, a truck driver and sanitation man.

Russert was amazed by the reactions to his book:

I published a book about my father-about the lessons I have learned from him, the ways he has influenced me, and my enormous love and respect for this steady, hardworking, and modest man. My publisher sent me on a publicity tour and early in the tour I was in Chicago, where, to my great relief, customers were lining up to buy the book and have me autograph it. What happened next really surprised me.

“Make it out to Big Mike,” somebody told me, which was followed in rapid succession by:

“This is for Big Mario.”

“Please inscribe it to Big Manuel.”

“For Big Irv.”

“Big Willie.”

“Big Stan.”

As I soon discovered, there were many Big Russes out there-good, industrious, patriotic men who had a lot in common with my dad, even if they didn’t share his religion or heritage. By writing a book about my father, I was affirming not only his life, but the lives of many other fathers as well.

Russert also wrote about his own experiences as a father. He describes dropping his son Luke off at Boston College to begin his freshman year:

Before I drove off, I gave him some simple advice: “Study hard. Laugh often. Keep your honor.” I hope I’ve taught him to make good decisions and that I’ve given him a strong moral foundation to do the right thing. When my life is over, I know that the most important thing I’ll be judged on is what kind of father I was.

Thanks to all the fathers, grandfathers, mentors and others that help guide our future generations.

Oh, yeah – sign my copy for Big Dave. Thanks for everything, Dad.

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