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Speak up – The Sunday Snippet – [7.22.12]

There is perhaps no better way to gain recognition as a trusted authority and resource in your industry than to speak in front of groups of prospects and referral sources regularly. You may cringe at the thought, but the ability to educate, inform, and entertain in a 30-minute presentation can do wonders for your brand and new business opportunities.

What to say? Talk about what you already know, or what you’d like to know more about. People enjoy lessons learned, unique perspectives, and solutions to problems. Why do you do what you do? How do you do it?

How to say it? You need to sit down and create your presentation – but less is more – two to four bullets per slide is all you need (and all you should ever use.) And then write your script, in conversational style, about what you want say about each slide. When you read your narrative out loud it should sound like a normal conversation you would have with anyone one-one-one.

Where to say it? Just about any podium will do – networking groups, chamber groups, professional associations, lunch and learns, breakfast briefings, etc. In the beginning, you’re just looking for opportunities to create and practice your talking points. Offer your ideas up to anyone who will listen and then start to target the groups where your best prospects and referral sources gather.

Speaking in front of people can be scary, but it doesn’t have to be. With a little prep and practice, you can become a sought after educator and thought leader, and build your business along the way.

Get started:  Set aside 30 minutes (put it on your calendar) to brainstorm and create an outline, and then just build it out with good ideas that you can explain and emphasize. If they seem interesting to you, chances are they’ll probably resonate with your audience as well.

Shoot me a note if you need help getting started.

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