Staying focused is the name of the game in productivity. Here are a few quick tips for achieving it.
Wiping out a to-do list is a great feeling, but things pop up that compete for attention. You can quickly up your batting average with a few small adjustments.

Small changes are easier – and can be incredibly powerful.
Inc. Magazine contributor Jeff Haden has put together an extensive list of small changes, and here are some of my favorites and ones that I’ve actually adopted:
Purposely Allow Less Time for Key Projects. Limit the amount of time you allow yourself to complete an important task. You’ll be more focused, more motivated, and your energy level will be higher.
Build In Frequent Breaks. Small, frequent breaks are a great way to refresh and recharge. The key to not burning out is to not let burnout sneak up on you. Scheduling regular short breaks ensures that won’t happen.
Follow the 2-Minute Rule. Here’s one from Getting Things Done: when a task takes less than 2 minutes, don’t schedule it, don’t set it aside for later, don’t set a reminder… just take care of it.
Count Your Blessings Before Bed. Take a second before you turn out the light. Think about what you have, not what you don’t. Count your blessings every night and you’ll start the next day in a much more positive way.
Harness your energy, stay more focused, get more done, and have a great week!

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