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The secrets of great communications

Great communicators motivate people. They create connections that are genuine, emotional and personal.

The best communicators make you feel like they are speaking directly to you.

If you want to be really good – if you want to be a better leader – these strategies can take you to new levels of persuasion and leadership:

1. Speak to groups as individuals.

Eliminate the distraction of the crowd so that you can deliver your message just as you would if you were talking to a single person. You want to be emotionally genuine and exude the warmth and focus of one-on-one communications.

2. Talk so people will listen.

Great communicators read their audiences well and adjust messages on the fly. Resist the urge to drone on or drive your point home at all costs.

3. Listen so people will talk.

Give people ample opportunity to speak their minds. Invite and ask questions. Demonstrate it is safe to have a dialogue.

4. Connect emotionally.

Maya Angelou said “People will forget what you said and did, but they will never forget how you made them feel.” To connect with your people emotionally, you need to be transparent. Be human. Show them what drives you, what you care about, what makes you get out of bed in the morning.

5. Read body language.

The greatest wealth of information lies in people’s body language. Pay as much attention to what isn’t said as what is said, and you’ll uncover facts and opinions that people are unwilling to express directly.

6. Skip the jargon.

The business world is filled with jargon and metaphors that confuse meaning and alienate listeners. Use it sparingly, if at all. Be direct, clear and concrete with language.

Communication is the foundation of strategy, planning and execution. And being good at it can do wonders for inspiration – and results.

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