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Who owns “new” at your company?

I’m not talking about new phones, cars or computers. I don’t mean new logowear, business cards or office furniture.

I mean new:

  • Ideas;
  • Products;
  • Services;
  • Markets;
  • Prospects; and
  • Clients.

These are the new things that really matter. Because they spark new growth, new profitability and new business value.

One of my favorite qualifying questions of any prospective client I meet is “Do you have any new products, services, markets or related businesses you’d like to get into?”

And without fail, the entrepreneur, business owner or key executive I’m sitting with says the same thing: “Yes, of course.” And then they proceed to tell me all about their concepts, visions and dreams of “new.”

And when I ask “So why aren’t you doing them?” I usually get the same answer: “I don’t have the person or people to do it. They don’t have the know-how or experience. They’re not built for it. They’re working on our existing business.”

Makes sense and it’s completely understandable.

But that is a recipe for stagnation, flat revenues, lost business value and decline.

So if you’ve got new ideas that need research, planning and execution then rearrange the people on your bus or get some help today. Here’s how:

  • Delegate your “new” project to a sharp up-and-comer.
  • Hire a specialist.
  • Own it yourself.
  • Call me. I might know somebody who knows somebody.

Someone in your organization has to own new. You have to think about it and work on it daily. You’ve got to try new experiments. You’ve got to explore new horizons.

Otherwise, you just become, well, um… old.

Have a great week.

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