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Four in the morning – The Sunday Snippet [6.19.11.]

The world’s best storytellers gather at TED – the series of conferences on Technology, Entertainment and Design where you’ll find “riveting talks by remarkable people.” And the TED site is a fantastic and mesmerizing YouTube-like collection of presentations on everything from nanotechnology, to poetry, to data analytics, to medicine. Storytellers both professional and provisional use the power of personal narrative to entertain, educate and inspire action.
The TED presentations are proof positive that almost any subject can be made fun and accessible through good storytelling. Do you deliver complex products and solutions? Having trouble getting across what you do and the value you deliver? Just tell it like it is through people and their experiences, their challenges and their triumphs.
See how Rives, performance poet and multimedia artist, builds his case for coincidence and conspiracy in Rives On 4 a.m. It’s smart and funny.

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