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Be know for just one thing – The Sunday Snippet [8.21.11]

Lots of discussions this week about positioning. I’ve been talking with companies about what they’re known for – more importantly – what people remember them for, and the reasons they buy. What’s your company known for?

It’s a tough question and one that deserves a careful and studied answer. Al Ries and Jack Trout brought it to light in their seminal 1976 book Positioning, The Battle For Your Mind, and volumes have been written since.

I particularly like the approach of a current practitioner – Bill Schley at SchleyBrand. I’ve worked with Bill and his approach is fun, smart, and powerful. He gets to the core of your company’s reason for being so you can explain it quickly and clearly. In our overcommunicated society it’s the only way to stand out, be remembered, and attract new customers.

If you’re in a crowded industry, profession, region, etc. – rise above it with a fresh new message. It’s absolutely critical to success. Find out more at schleybrand.com and download the free eBook Your Dominant Selling Idea.

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