It’s easier than ever these days to sit around and ruminate about what you don’t have, what’s not working, and how pedestrian your life feels.
A quick glance at a perfectly curated social media feed can quickly send you reeling into insecurity, resentment and anxiety.
Thinking too much about what others have wastes valuable time that could otherwise be spent on your own dreams and goals for success.
It doesn’t have to be that difficult. As the famous saying goes: “The secret to having it all is believing you already do”.
Maintaining an abundance mindset is the key to more contentment and less resentment. Here’s how:
Think big, not small. Audacious goals keep us striving and expanding.
Think plenty, not lack. There’s plenty of everything to go around for everyone.
Think happiness, not bitterness. Celebrate and salute the success of others. Root for them to be the best.
Think of change as progress, not loss. Embrace change as a time that leads to more positive outcomes.
Think proactive, not reactive. Envision and plan for your future self, family and career.
Think learning, instead of limiting. Cultivate a healthy thirst for knowledge and constantly develop new skills.
Think about what’s working, instead of what’s not. There is plenty to be thankful for so focus on that.
Adopting the abundance mindset is about living big, not small. It’s about expanding horizons and believing that the future will bring more of the best that life has to offer.
This quote from Nelson Mandela says it all: “There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”
Have a great week.

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