As Geoffrey Chaucer wrote in 1395: “Time and tide wait for no one.”
No matter how much we might want time to slow down or stop time because of comfort, pleasure or familiarity, it continues.
Circumstances change. People change. Forces beyond our control – change.
Which leaves us no choice but to adapt, as expressed so bluntly by H.G. Wells: “Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature’s inexorable imperative.”
Adaptability is what allows people and businesses to solve problems, overcome challenges and blaze new trails. Adaptability is a crucial component of success.
So how can we cultivate adaptability?
Be ready, open and willing. Recognize change is natural and is going to happen and create a mindset that anticipates it and welcomes it. Just being open to it is half the battle.
Dive deep. Immerse yourself in the problem or situation at hand. Don’t shy away from the deep end of the pool, get in there and explore.
Chart courses of action. Anticipate scenarios and your possible responses. If/then thinking gets you ready for performing in the moment.
First things first. Don’t get too far ahead of your plans, execute on the most important priorities really well. As Dr. Stephen Covey said so well “It is living and being driven by the principles you value most, not by the agendas and forces surrounding you.”
Remember, there’s no such thing as the status quo. To survive and thrive, we must adapt.
Have a great week.

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