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Author: John Stevenson

Sincere gratitude – The Sunday Snippet – [12.4.13]

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson In keeping with the joys and sentiments of the holiday week, we’d like to extend …

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A simple plan – The Sunday Snippet – [11.24.13]

Simple steps for simplifying. Why do we make things harder than they should be? I’m not sure of the answer, but I do know that overly-complex systems, plans and methods, as well as clutter, often lead to confusion and inaction. So how can you avoid complexity quick sand? Simplify, simplify, simplify. “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” -Leonardo …

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The Joy of Clients – The Sunday Snippet – [11.17.13]

Amplify the joy of clients. It’s fun, it feels good, and it grows business. It’s that time of year again when we take a closer look at our personal and professional lives and take stock of progress. We tend to think a bit deeper. I got an early start this week. I received a few …

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Learning from losing – The Sunday Snippet – [11.10.13]

Losing is a part of life and business. Learning from it can be valuable. You can’t win them all. You can’t convert each lead, proposal and meeting into a new client or customer. The fact is we all lose and hear “no” on a fairly regular basis. Losing is not fun. It can get you …

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The art of finishing – The Sunday Snippet – [11.3.13]

Creating goals is only half the battle. Accomplishing them is what counts. “Finishing” is a common term used in sports which usually refers to the ability of an athlete to score – slam dunk a basketball; score a soccer goal on a breakaway; or strike out the last batter in the World Series. Keeping score is …

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The dessert tray – The Sunday Snippet – [10.27.13]

cbs.tc Do your clients have additional needs you could be helping with? I had lunch with a client this week and the food, company, service and setting were all perfect – except for one small hitch. We finished our meals, our dishes were cleared, and the waiter efficiently and quickly brought the bill. But what about …

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How to get the best out of people – The Sunday Snippet – [10.20.13]

In order to get the best out of people praise their efforts, not their intelligence. “Mindset” by Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck has some fascinating findings on how different forms of praise can either stifle intellectual growth and performance or stimulate them. Turns out one key predictor of success is having a “growth mindset.” It’s …

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Embracing doubt – The Sunday Snippet – [10.13.13]

Doubt is natural and can be good. Here’s why you should embrace it and deal with it. Business magazines, self-help books and motivational speakers are constantly promoting tips and tricks on how to eliminate doubt, pessimism and paranoia from our thoughts. We’re taught to banish bad thoughts and fear, and press on, faster and stronger. …

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How to grow the best ideas – The Sunday Snippet – [10.6.13]

Ideas thrive in certain conditions. Connections are key. People will often describe breakthrough ideas as “Eureka” moments, coming from the Greek word for “I have found.” New ideas and sudden discoveries may seem like they just pop up, by they rarely do so all by themselves. In “Where Good Ideas Come From,” Steven Johnson explores …

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Beating boredom – The Sunday Snippet – [9.29.13]

How to overcome boredom and find flow in your job. Monotony, tedium and boredom can creep into any job or career. After a while, you master the learning curve. You develop proficiency that doesn’t deliver the same rush as practicing and learning and figuring out something new. When not fully engaged, the mind wanders. It …

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