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Author: John Stevenson

How to build trust – The Sunday Snippet – [9.22.13]

Earning trust is absolutely necessary for sales and success. The little stuff makes all the difference. No one is going to buy from someone that isn’t trustworthy. We just won’t spend hard earned dollars on products, services and people we can’t figure out or understand. What makes it hard for us to trust? Leading causes …

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How to say no – The Sunday Snippet – [9.15.13]

Being good at saying “no” can make you happier and more productive. Here’s how. It’s one of life’s great conundrums:  Your time is limited, but the number of things you can possibly do with your time is unlimited.  It can be a pitfall for anyone, and it’s the main reason that some of the most …

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Defy impossible – The Sunday Snippet – [9.8.13]

Flying cars are closer to becoming a reality than you might think. If you attended the TedxKC event, the subject line this morning may be familiar to you. Defy Impossible was the title and theme for TedxKC held here in Kansas City on Tuesday, August 20, 2013, at the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts. …

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Millennials make market waves – The Sunday Snippet – [9.1.13]

‘Idea Brands’ Will Win Big with Millennials: How To Attract Them (We’re pleased to feature a guest post this weekend from Jeff Fromm at Barkley. Enjoy!) Millennials want to change the world. Who doesn’t? However, this generation born from 1977 to 2000 is often accused of passive insensitivity caused by their dependence on technology. This …

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Just breathe – The Sunday Snippet – 8.25.13

Deep breathing improves focus, clarity and performance everyday, and it can be particularly important during life’s more challenging moments. Cabrera and Trout do it before they step into the batter’s box. Federer and Nadal do it before they serve. And the best business people do it before meetings and presentations. They all take simple deep …

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Higher margins with better stories – The Sunday Snippet – [8.18.13]

If you want to command premium pricing and fees, better stories can help. New York Times Magazine columnist Rob Walker did a fascinating feature a few years ago on what makes one object more valuable than another. He questioned things like what makes one pair of boots more valuable than another if they both deliver on the …

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Using the right words – The Sunday Snippet – [8.11.13]

cialis www.studio10salonsuites.com Your words make or break your communications with family, friends, co-workers and customers. Why it pays to choose them carefully. Words have tremendous power. They can persuade and inspire people to do great things. They can also discourage and dismiss. Darlene Price is the president of WellSaid!, a presentation and communications consulting firm …

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The last competitive advantage – The Sunday Snippet – [8.4.13]

Healthy, high-performing teams are the critical factor in winning and losing in business today. Here’s how to make your team better.  I sat down this past week to make a few notes on upcoming Snippet topics when my 12-year old daughter, Jane, popped into my office. She asked me what I was doing, and I …

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Flip the script – The Sunday Snippet – [7.28.13]

Daniel Pink turns conventional wisdom upside down. Motivation is defined as the general desire or willingness of someone to do something. That’s a pretty simple definition, yet I think most of us would agree it’s one of the more elusive traits to cultivate in ourselves as well as others. Daniel Pink has studied the psychology …

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The Millennial mindset – The Sunday Snippet – [7.21.13]

Millennials have created a participation economy which requires companies to re-think the old rules of marketing. Wondering where the U.S. economy is going in the next 20, 30, and 40 years? Curious about who’s going to be fueling it and driving it? Whether you’re trying to hire Millennials, manage them, or sell to them, you …

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