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Author: John Stevenson

Entrepreneurs and their moms – The Sunday Snippet – [5.13.12]

The debate has gone on for decades about whether entrepreneurs are born or made. Hard to tell really, but my own humble opinion is that parents do play a key role in making them. “Lemonade Stories” is a documentary film about extraordinary entrepreneurs and their mothers. The film, which features Richard Branson (of Virgin), Russell …

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Structure and strokes – The Sunday Snippet [5.6.12]

There are two primary elements which are needed to institute a new idea, new policy, new product, or any new endeavor that you undertake. The two key ingredients are structure and strokes. In his book Say It Straight, Abe Wagner points out that Weight Watchers is a wonderful example of a successful program that meets …

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Common sense, but not common practice – The Sunday Snippet – [4.22.12]

How to Win Friends and Influence People was first published in 1936. It became an overnight sensation and has since taken its place in publishing history as one of the most successful bestsellers of all time. Approximately 30 million copies have been sold. Smile. Be genuinely interested in other people. Show respect for other people’s …

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Humble resolve – the key ingredient for good leadership

Jim Collins is an expert in enduring great companies – how they grow, how they attain superior performance, and how good companies can become great companies. Collins has authored or co-authored six books, two of his best known being Built To Last and Good To Great. Naturally, studying great companies has also allowed him to …

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Worth a thousand words – The Sunday Snippet [4.8.12]

A great photo is the first thing that catches a reader’s eye when someone reads a newspaper or magazine. In fact, we often decide whether or not to read an article based solely on the photo. Photos are critical for good storytelling and really are worth a thousand words. Now that we’re all carrying cameras …

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Storytelling that rocks – The Sunday Snippet [4.1.12]

We’re often asked about video testimonials and video stories. They’re popular and engaging and a lot of fun to watch. They can also be very compelling combinations of education, information and entertainment. We recently had the opportunity to work with our friends at Smith Donovan Marketing & Communications. Terry Smith and Thad Donovan do amazing work …

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Choose wisely – The Sunday Snippet [3.25.12]

More and more, our discussions with clients are about which clients of theirs to feature in a success story program. The more clients you have, the more difficult it can be to decide. It’s important to be thoughtful and strategic about who you invite to participate. You want to make sure you have the right …

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Smart Ones think differently – The Sunday Snippet [3.18.12]

Every decision-maker puts his or her pants on one leg at a time. People are people, and leaders of companies are smart people trying to do their jobs really well. They do, however, think a little bit differently which is important to understand when serving this group. Smart Ones (smart decision-makers) have reached their leadership …

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Good clean fun – The Sunday Snippet [3.11.12]

I played a lot of tennis as a teenager and reached a decent level of proficiency. I was playing pretty well during a match one day – really in the zone – when my coach called me over between sets and said “John, you’re playing great, but are you having any fun?” I had a …

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