Jim Collins is an expert in great companies – how they grow, how they attain superior performance, and how good companies can become great companies.
Collins has authored or co-authored six books, two of his best known being Built To Last and Good To Great.
Naturally, studying great companies has also allowed him to study their leaders. What are their skills, how do they act, what do they do?
Yes, they’re smart and energetic, and courageous and visionary, but if you control for all of that, Collins has been able to isolate another special character trait – humility, combined with an indomitable will.
Collins calls this humble resolve.
Humble resolve is what makes good leaders great – level 5 leadership is his classification.
According to Collins, the best leaders earnestly put the interests of their people, customers and company first. They lead in service to a cause, a company, an idea.
The have towering ambition, but it’s channeled outward.
The best leaders don’t inspire people to follow them. The best leaders inspire people to follow a cause.
Have a great week.

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