Customers and clients will get upset, impatient, and sometimes downright rude when something goes wrong.
It’s stressful. It’s natural to get defensive. And it’s easy to say the wrong thing.
Starbucks has a simple method for handling customers when they get upset. The company has even created the perfect acronym for making it easy to remember.
It’s called the LATTE Method:
Listen to the customer.
Acknowledge their complaint.
Take action by solving the problem.
Thank them.
Explain why the problem occurred.
Starbucks employees learn to recognize negative emotions and how to address these emotions in positive ways. It keeps employees calm and focused on fixing the problem.
Most importantly, it makes customers happy and satisfied that they’ve been heard and served with emphathy.
Mistakes happen, but how you handle them is what makes all the difference.
Have a great week.

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