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How to build trust – The Sunday Snippet – [9.22.13]

Earning trust is absolutely necessary for sales and success. The little stuff makes all the difference.

No one is going to buy from someone that isn’t trustworthy. We just won’t spend hard earned dollars on products, services and people we can’t figure out or understand.

What makes it hard for us to trust? Leading causes include opaqueness, manipulation, deception, broken promises, one-way conversations and neglect.

So what are the best ways to build trust with a prospect or client?


Be yourself. 

Simply act the way you would when meeting with a colleague and drop the pretense, puffery and persuasion.

Be curious about people. 

People are drawn to those who take a genuine interest in them through questions, comments and feedback.

Be consistent. 

A client’s trust is dependent on consistency and follow-through. Predictable behavior builds trust.

Seek the truth. 

Trust emerges when you probe on real needs that may not even be your area of expertise. It shows a desire to be of help. And never be afraid to point out that your product or company may not be the right fit.

Have a genuine dialog. 

Meetings should be conversations, not sales pitches. And listen more than you talk. 70/30 listening vs. talking is a good rule of thumb.

Be professional and prepared. 

Clients trust those who do their homework and show up with a solid understanding of issues and options.

Trust is an important pillar of any business relationship. You need the pillar to first build the business. But the business can also crumble if the pillar is compromised in any way.

Have a great week.

Photo:  Mike Baird via Photopin
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