“I ever tell you fellers the story of Wild Stu Heinecke?”
Magazine and newspaper readership surveys consistently point to cartoons as the most memorable and most popular form of content. But do they work in marketing?
I first told you about Stu Heinecke in a Snippet back in March. He’s one of the world’s foremost experts on using cartoons in advertising, marketing and sales. Stu has the results to prove that cartoons work, and now so do I.
I used one of Stu’s cartoons in the March Snippet, and the cartoon, along with Stu’s recommended subject line, increased open rates of the Snippet by more than 25 percent! More readers were engaged and took the time to open and view the personalized cartoon that we included. (Here it is if you missed it.)
I recently used one of Stu’s cartoons again and it, too, drove much higher than normal open and click rates. Thirty-five percent of the the busy CEO’s and business owners that received it opened the email. We’ve been very pleased with the new business opportunities that have come from this campaign.
If you’d like to try cartoons in your marketing, Stu has a special offer for Snippet readers: Test one for free and then simply share your results. Click here for more details on Stu’s CartoonLink Test.
If you have questions about my experience with the cartoons or the results, please feel free to reply back to this email, or give me a call. Glad to share what I’ve learned.
P.S. Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers, grandfathers, uncles, mentors and others that help guide our families and future generations. Click here for last year’s post that I really enjoyed putting together on the late, great Tim Russert and his writings on fatherhood.

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