Most of us in business today receive somewhere between 50 and 100 emails every day.
So how can you get yours to stand out?
Your subject line. Creative email subject lines entice interest. They prompt opens. They get read.
No matter your job, no matter your market, if you’re using email, half the challenge is getting noticed. That’s the first step for any action to take place.
Here are some fun email subject lines that can be used in a variety of situations – both professional and personal:
“Closing the loop” What loop? What’s closing? The fear of missing out is strong in all of us so we’re curious when this danger exists.
“Re: [your last email]” Build your previous interactions right into your subject line. Emails with “Re:” in the subject line are opened 92% of the time.
“Should I stay or should I go?” The basic question plus the pop reference equals an open.
“Here’s that [resource] you were looking for” Send a new tidbit of information to build credibility and trust.
“Persistence or harassment?” A little self-awareness goes a long way. It’s worth checking the threshold for annoyance.
“Am I off base?” Offer to redirect the conversation if it has stalled.
“Still on track for [goal]?” Creating a sense of urgency is always helpful for spurring action.
“Any questions, [name]?” People love their own name. Get their attention by including their name in your subject line, and then ask how you can help.
“The ball’s in your court” The relationship, and next action, is in the receivers hands.
“?” This subject line is simply intriguing — what do you want?
“Some thoughts on [problem]” Even if your colleague or client isn’t ready to move forward, offer free advice.
“Saw [content], thought of you” Add some value by sending a blog post, study, or relevant industry news.
“I need a sign … ”Begin this email with the line: “ … to let me know you’re here.” Another song reference that may provoke smile and a response.
“I messed up” This unexpected line makes your recipient eager to know what mistake you made. Be candid about a misstep or incomplete information.
“Tomorrow” Tomorrow is less than 12 hours away. The reader will think, “What’s happening I need to know about?”
Email is still the dashboard of our personal and professional lives.
Make sure you can stand out in an inbox when you need to.
Have a great week.

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