Steve Jobs said “creativity is just connecting things.”
That can mean connecting people, problems, solutions, facts, hunches, tastes, preferences, and of course – ideas.
And the more things you have to connect, the better your chance of cultivating creativity. Once you know the formula, you can summon creativity anytime you need it.
Here’s a model that I like and have used through the years:
Frame the problem, then step back. Spend time articulating, in as much detail as possible, the problem at hand. That creates brain irritation which stimulates problem-solving curiosity and connections. Then walk away and rest for a bit.
Keep a “swipe” file. Figure out a way to keep and organize other good ideas that you run across. Create a virtual shoe box or file folder and then put things in there that could be useful to you later.
Be interested in the boring. Force yourself to read or learn about things that you usually aren’t interested in. That discipline forges new connections. Next time you’re scanning your news feed, click on that economics, medicine, or engineering article. It just might help your next sales and marketing project.
Creativity can be elusive sometimes, but there are ways to invite it in when you need it the most.
Have a great week.

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