Leadership expert John C. Maxwell says it best: “If you want to do a few small things right, do them yourself. If you want to do great things and make a big impact, learn to delegate.”
But delegating is difficult. It means giving up control. It requires trust and confidence. It can add complexity.
It’s also the difference in exponential versus incremental results.
Deborah Grayson Riegel is a principal in The Boda Group, a leadership and team development firm. She’s identified eight practices of leaders who delegate successfully:
They pick the right person. Who’s ready, who’s up for it, who needs the challenge?
They’re clear about autonomy. Successful delegators let team members know exactly where they have autonomy and what they can do (or not do.)
They are clear on expectations. Why do it? How does it fit in? What does success look like?
They make sure resources are ready. Time, money and expertise are made available as needed.
They establish checkpoints. Status and progress are checked at the right intervals – not too frequently or infrequently.
They encourage new ideas and methods. Good delegators aren’t attached to “the way we’ve always done things.”
They motivate. Successful delegators know how to get the best out of people with affirmations, candid feedback and recognition.
They see mistakes as learning opportunities. Good delegators know that you’re not trying if you don’t make a few mistakes along the way. Learn what you can, vow to do better, and move on.
You can get way more done working with other people’s hands than you can with just your own.
Get good at delegation if you want to turn bottlenecks into breakthroughs.
Have a great week.

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