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Encouraging nonconformity

In general, we are taught to fit in, agree with others and go along with the crowd – to conform.

But there is a dangerous flipside to conformity: disengagement, lower output and lack of invention.

There are some natural reasons for conformity.

We bow to social pressure. We become comfortable with the status quo. We gravitate to information that supports our existing beliefs.

It’s easier to take the path of least resistance, rather than blaze a new one.

True deviant employee behavior is a definite problem, and must be limited, but Francesca Gino, the Tandon Family Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, says there is a healthy kind of atypical behavior she calls constructive nonconformity.

According to Gino, constructive nonconformity, when cultivated the right way, gives us confidence in our actions, which makes us feel unique and engaged and translates to higher performance and greater creativity.

Here are six ways leaders can encourage constructive nonconformity in their organizations – and themselves:

  1. Give employees opportunities to be themselves. Tell employees what needs to get done, not how to do it. Let them solve problems on their own.
  2. Encourage employees to use their signature strengths.Help them find their strengths and tailor jobs accordingly.
  3. Question the status quo and encourage others to do the same. Ask “Why?” and “What if?” to spark new ideas and encourage engagement.
  4. Create challenging experiences. Maximize variety, inject novelty and identify new learning opportunities.
  5. Foster broader perspectives. Tunnel-vision is a dangerous affliction, but viewing problems from new and multiple angles can instill new urgency and creativity.
  6. Voice and encourage dissenting views. Recognize and include those courageous individuals that will speak up with challenging questions.

Constructive nonconformity can be healthy, productive and profitable. Give people the freedom to be themselves and you may just unlock the next big game-changer for your business.

Have a great week.

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