No matter how great your product, service, cause, or idea may be, it will most certainly fail if not pitched properly.
Whether it’s artificial intelligence software, bathroom remodeling, or the latest medical device, if you want to attract investors or customers, you’ve got to create a compelling story.
There are many sources for this type of guidance including Oren Klaff at Pitch Anything, Don Miller at StoryBrand, and David Rose at Gust, so take your pick, but here are the highlights as I see them:
Balance business and emotional needs. Take people on a journey from darkness to light, from problems to solutions and benefits.
Sell problems. Don’t assume people understand the size and implications of the problems you’re solving. They won’t spend money to solve them if they’re too small.
Focus and keep it short. You only have a few seconds to make an impression. Imagine people screaming “Who cares!” at you and your message. And it’s okay to leave them wanting more.
Value beats price. Benefits and results compel. Tell people what they get when they buy. Make benefits the biggest part of your pitch.
Prepare for push back. Objections and tough questions aren’t all bad. They indicate interest, otherwise they wouldn’t care to ask them. Be ready for them.
Create a beautiful deck. Graphic design is an art and science that must not be overlooked. Great looking decks show polish and precision.
Every great product, service or cause, starts with a great pitch.
Obsess about it. Practice it thoroughly. And then deliver it with enthusiasm.
Have a great week.

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