Professional relationships, like personal ones, have their seasons. There is flow and there is friction. There are highs and there are lows.
But with the right foundation, any relationship can withstand the test of difficult times.
It’s no surprise that personal fear plays a part.
Patrick Lencioni,in his book “Getting Naked” outlines three main fears that can threaten strong and lasting client relationships: fear of losing the business; fear of embarrassment; and fear of feeling inferior.
To overcome these fears, Lencioni says we must be transparent and vulnerable with clients. He says clients are more interested in candor, modesty and transparency than they are in confidence, authority and perfection.
Here are a few of his ideas on overcoming fears and cultivating the best client relationships:
Tell the kind truth. Confront clients, kindly and gently, with difficult information and perspectives, even if the client might not like hearing them.
Ask dumb questions. Ask potentially dumb questions because if those questions ultimately help a client it is worth the potential embarrassment.
Give away the business. Start probing and consulting in the very first meeting. Give away your best ideas. The upfront care and credibility is appreciated.
Be curious instead of sell. Look for root causes and suggest preliminary solutions. Find a way to help a prospective client even if they never actually become one.
Lencioni sums up the central idea well: “Even beyond the world of clients, being naked has its benefits and advantages. When we can be vulnerable with the people we live and work with on a daily basis, we build stronger relationships, demonstrate our trust in them, and inspire them to improve by being vulnerable themselves.”
Have a great week.

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