In order to get the best out of people praise their efforts, not their intelligence.
“Mindset” by Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck has some fascinating findings on how different forms of praise can either stifle intellectual growth and performance or stimulate them.
Turns out one key predictor of success is having a “growth mindset.” It’s the healthy outlook of believing that intelligence and skills can always be further developed and improved. Dweck was able to trace some subtle differences in praise as key factors in fostering the desired growth mindset.
Dweck’s findings show that telling someone how smart or clever they are may do more harm than good. When you praise a person’s intelligence, it can discourage them from working harder because they tend to believe their intelligence is fixed at a high level. I’m very good and very smart so I can’t possibly get better!
In contrast, telling someone “you worked really hard” or “you’re doing very well” teaches them that success comes through effort and encourages them to work even harder and achieve higher levels of ability and skill. (All of this is particularly helpful in raising children that become lifelong learners and achievers.)
The net-net: Avoid “person praise” and stick with “process praise” that focuses on efforts and actions. Compliment hard work and persistence in order to inspire even higher levels of performance.
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