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Getting good at failure

Fear of failure is one of the most debilitating personality characteristics – and biggest roadblocks – to real success and satisfaction.

When fear of failure paralyzes, it prevents the realization of potential, which is the biggest failure of all.

But failure, when embraced and used productively, can be healthy. It can motivate, it can spark invention, it can speed up progress.

As Winston Churchill was famous for saying: “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”

So how do you overcome a fear of failure? Get good at processing failure in the first place. Here’s how:

Own it and admit it. If you try to cover up your failure, that failure is compounded and made worse. Point to it, speak up, and move on.

Understand it, but don’t make excuses. Confidence, accountability and integrity are enhanced when you’re honest with yourself and those around you. Anything less becomes a flimsy excuse.

Fix it as best you can. Owning up is good, but you can’t just leave the mess behind. Show you have plan for cleaning it up and getting back on track.

Have a plan for prevention. You should have a plan for avoiding the same mistake in the future. Reassure people that good things will come from the loss.

Try, try again. Don’t get timid or too cautious. Take time to absorb the loss, but then take a different tack and go.

Maintain perspective. It’s not the end of the world. This too shall pass.

Be optimistic. Imagine and expect success.

Be persistent. If optimism is the feeling of positivity then persistence is putting that positivity in motion. Don’t quit, keep going.

Failure is only as bad as you think it is. Embrace it, understand it, and then put it behind you. It can only hold you back if you let it.

Have a great week.

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