We all need help once in a while.
Sometimes it’s physical (moving a couch), sometimes it’s emotional (listening to troubles) and sometimes it’s financial (raising or borrowing money.)
But it can be uncomfortable to ask for help.
Why? Because according to Dr. Heidi Grant, author of “Reinforcements: How To Get People To Help You,” we almost always underestimate how likely others are to comply with a request for help.
But research shows people are generally twice as likely to want to help.
Nonetheless, we’re afraid to ask. We don’t want to impose. We don’t want to look weak.
Most of all, we don’t want people to think less of us or not like us as much.
But it turns out the opposite is true. Asking for help usually increases how much people like you.
If they’re in a position to do so, they will help and will likely feel good about it.
They feel invested. They feel flattered. Their sense of purpose and self-esteem improves.
Once you get over your reluctance to ask, then you’ve got to ask the right way:
- Be clear about the help you need.
- Explain the desired results.
- Give the helper options for how to help.
Help is a funny thing. We all need it. We truly want to give it if we can. Yet, we’re often afraid to ask for it.
So ask.
And when you get asked for help, answer the call if you can, because the best way to deal with our own problems sometimes is to help others with theirs.
Have a great week.

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