Starting with the right mindset, and applying some basic rules, can do wonders for your writing.
To get in the right mindset, writing expert Josh Bernoff recommends what he calls The Iron Imperative: Treat the reader’s time as more valuable than your own.
It’s simple and direct, but how do you do it?
If you want your emails, proposals, reports and blog posts to be read – and acted on – here are some small things you can do to improve appeal and readability:
- Choose a headline or subject line that makes the topic clear and invites the reader to continue reading.
- Keep paragraphs to no more than 3 sentences, and put an extra line between paragraphs to create white space.
- Include subheadings to make skimming easy.
- Isolate important information using bullet points.
- Incorporate the word “because” as often as possible.
- Eliminate adverbs (e.g., very) as much as possible.
- Speak directly to the recipients — use “I” and “you.”
- Use active voice.
- Use a call to action that includes value.
- Don’t exceed 250 words for any main section – or the whole piece if possible.
Good writing promotes critical thinking, clear planning, and more productivity.
Write better to work better.

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