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Make me care – The Sunday Snippet – [2.3.13]

A great story has tension, conflict, and makes the audience care. How to set the stage for your stories.

Pixar filmmaker Andrew Stanton knows a thing or two about effective storytelling. He’s written and produced “Toy Story” and “WALL-E.” He makes the point that no matter what kind of story you’re trying to tell, you have to make the audience care.

In his Ted Talk on storytelling, Stanton explains what makes a good story, and the roles of drama, anticipation and uncertainty in a gripping story.small_3639722794

Anticipation in stories plays a valuable role in marketing as well. Great companies, with great marketing have stories that endure over the long haul and truly make people care. We are intrigued by tension, conflict and difficult situations. Something has to be at stake.

Good marketing reminds us about a problem we care about solving. Do you have a good problem story? Is it the right problem to talk about? Do your customers care about the problem and your solution?

Ensure that your marketing contains content that people care about. Address the tension and conflict of not growing, spending too much, and making life too difficult. And focus on the promise of your solution.

Stanton opens his presentation with a crude, but funny joke that’s probably worth clicking here to watch if you have a minute.

Best wishes for a successful week.

Photo credit: cappuccinissimo via photopin cc
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