Leaders and senior executives who abuse their influence and authority are easy to fire.
They bully, they harass, they wreak havoc on an organization and no matter how smart or valuable they think they are, they end up getting themselves fired. They clearly deserve it.
But what about less obvious or severe situations related to performance?
I’m talking about those cases where there are questions of competency, a general lack of execution, and a high level of arrogance designed to obfuscate.
They promise, but don’t deliver. They blame others or a general set of circumstances. They try to cover it up.
They, too, must go.
Inaction only makes the situation worse. Other key employees or customers start to leave. Shareholders fear that removing the employee will cause serious damage to the business.
But shareholders and executives can get through this. Here’s how:
1. Realize that no one is irreplaceable.
The business may suffer some short-term setbacks. It may cost a bit more, and you will have to expend time solving the problem, but you can get through it. And no one ever regrets it. Instead, shareholders and executive peers usually wish they had terminated the problem employee weeks, months or even years earlier.
2. Find people to help you through the transition.
There are companies that can supply you with interim executives for all disciplines: financial, IT, operations and sales. They cost more, but they can help plug the leaks, right the ship, and get it back on course.
3. Make a clean break.
Don’t try to demote, or reassign, or create a new department. Make a clean break. Ripping off the bandage will mean some pain, but fresh air will promote healing.
4. Don’t let this happen again.
Replace the team member carefully. Document essential tasks and responsibilities. Develop a bench of talent and cross train others who can share the workload or even bear it all if necessary again.
Regardless of the short-term pain, no one is irreplaceable.
There are always other options. Don’t be afraid to exercise them for the good of the entire business.
Have a great week.

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