Conversations, relationships and negotiations all have their ups and downs.
Interactions and transactions – large and small – occur constantly in our daily lives.
Sometimes you’re negotiating which restaurant to go to. Sometimes you’re buying a car. Sometimes you’re buying a business.
And some go quite smoothly. While others do not.
But at some point, decisions must be made. The costs must be calculated. Terms and conditions must be agreed upon.
Eventually, both parties need to say yes, no, or maybe. But what if you’re not ready for any of those?
You need to regroup. And there are two simple phrases that can help.
If you’re presented with terms you don’t agree with you shouldn’t give a straight “no.” It’s too final and negative. It creates an impasse. The dialogue usually stops.
Instead, try “That doesn’t work for me (us.)”
It’s a nice way to say no. It says you don’t agree, without being disagreeable. It’s an honest and direct assessment that can be respected.
And what if you’re on the receiving end of that? Should you make counter offers? Angle for some other concessions?
Just use this reply: “Okay, what did you have in mind?”
It shows interest in the other party’s needs. It buys time for thinking. It keeps you talking.
Set boundaries. Ask for what you want. But be prepared for compromise.
Use the right words and tone to turn friction into function.
Have a great week.

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