The calendar and the cash register were reset to zero seven days ago and now it’s a matter of figuring out how to make the most of both.
This can be one of the twitchiest times of the year. The promise and potential of the new year is exciting. Plans have been made. Resources are being deployed.
But progress and new revenue are nearly non-existent. Sure, it’s early but it’s uncomfortable nonetheless.
One of the most productive – and pacifying – ways to keep the saw sharp during this winter solstice is to simply question everything you’re doing – as an individual, a team, and a company.
Casting a curious and critical eye on your whole operation can help you see things differently, understand better, and experience new breakthroughs.
Organize your questions however you like, but you can start with the big ones like People, Product and Process. Here are a few to get you started:
People – First, Who?
Do you have the right people?
Are they nice, smart and successful?
Are they superstars?
Are they misfits?
Who are you missing? (Who needs to be missing?)
Product – What Are You Solving?
What’s the painful problem – and compelling reason – that anyone needs what you offer?
Why should anyone spend hard-earned money on it?
What’s the cost of doing nothing?
What are other adjacent problems worth solving?
What are the gaps in the market?
Process – Is There A Better, Faster Way?
Are inputs lean?
Are outputs maximized?
Have you forbidden the phrase “because we’ve always done it this way?”
What should you stop doing?
What should you start doing?
Good questions about everything you are doing help you stay grounded in reality. They help you separate what’s important from what’s menial.
Healthy questions promote honest evaluation and expanded thinking. Most importantly, they help you take more control over your destiny.
Have a great week.

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