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Short and sweet – keep your story short to focus on fit

An opening line that is guaranteed to please your prospects.

New business meetings are always a bit nerve-racking. You’ve asked for the meeting, the prospect or client has agreed to it, and now you need to engage and deliver.

Carmine Gallo

Opening lines can make or break your meeting which is why I like this surefire tip from communications coach Carmine Gallo. Gallo recommends this opening line for your next business pitch:

“I know you’ve scheduled one hour for this meeting, but I’ll only need 20 minutes.”

With this simple statement you’ve immediately addressed the single biggest fear of any busy executive or business owner – wasting time. Yielding time back to your prospect can be one of the best ways to build rapport, credibility and value from the very beginning.

Gallo goes on to explain why the opening is effective:

  1. It shows respect for your listeners’ time. People are busy. If you give them back 40 minutes of their day they’ll love you for it.
  2. It demonstrates confidence. Confident speakers can deliver their story in 20 minutes or less. Nobody wants to sit through a rambling, confusing, and convoluted presentation.
  3. It forces you to be more creative. Creativity thrives in constraint.
  4. It reduces cognitive overload. Listening takes energy. If you give your listener just the right amount of information, they’ll be more likely to act on it.
So prepare, pose the right questions, and present – briefly. And then let your prospect fill in the rest of the time with questions.
Have a great week.
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