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Brilliant Book Bit from ‘Rework’ – Take a deep breath

Jason Fried

Change of any kind can be controversial. Even the smallest changes can provoke big reactions.

New features, new policies, new places and new people often cause knee-jerk reactions and undo irrationality. It’s normal, and it should be expected. But if you make it through that first rough week, things should settle down.

Jason Fried, the author of “Rework” is a bit unusual because of his courageous, against-the-grain sensibilities, but we can learn from his experience and outlook:

People are creatures of habit. That’s why they react to change in such a negative way. They’re used to using something in a certain way and any change upsets the natural order of things. So they push back. They complain. They demand that you revert to the way things were.
But that doesn’t mean you should act. Sometimes you need to go ahead with a decision you believe in, even if it’s unpopular at first.
People often respond before they give a change a fair chance. Sometimes that
initial negative reaction is more of a primal response. That’s why you’ll sometimes hear things like, “It’s the worst thing I’ve ever seen.” No, it’s not. It’s a minor change. Come on.


Brilliant Book Bit:  Change is progress, change is growth, change is inspiring. Make sure you don’t foolishly backpedal on a tough but necessary change. Listen, communicate, and empathize, but let people know you’re going to stay the course and see what happens. Take a deep breath. People will adjust. And they’ll probably wind up liking the new way better than the old.

Have a great week.

Kindest regards,

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