Comfort and convenience are easy choices.
Stick to what you know. Focus on the familiar. Take the path of least resistance.
While we prefer stay in our comfort zones, we also know that it is not always possible. Invariably, we are all faced with challenge and controversy.
Molly Fletcher’s book “Fearless at Work” focuses on courage and how to summon it when faced with obstacles. Here’s her take on how to trade comfort for courage:
1. Change the story you tell yourself.
We think we cannot change or should not change, for one reason or another, but it’s all in our heads. Comfort is a story that we tell ourselves; courage comes with changing the story we tell ourselves.
2. Tap into your heart.
Courage comes from caring, and caring about something that is bigger than you can be a powerful way to take action. Your caring heart harbors the courage to move you out of your comfort zone.
3. Accept your weaknesses.
If you wait until you have yourself completely together, you will never trade comfort for courage. Embracing vulnerability is often the first step to finding your bravest self.
4. Notice and navigate the noise.
The noise comes from all the voices, all the stories, expectations and external pressures. When you decide what is most important, your priority cuts through the noise that keeps you comfortable and helps summon your courage.
Being courageous can be scary, uncomfortable, and sometimes we fail in spite of great courage.
But trading comfort for courage is the only way to meet the toughest challenges, take on new risks, and enjoy the best rewards.
Have a great week.

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