It’s easy to believe what we are told. It’s the path of least resistance.
We hear. We see. We read. We believe.
And why is that?
Because questioning, investigating, and processing all this information requires more effort. It’s harder to do than simply taking answers at face value.
This is why top performers, in any discipline, tend to have a contrarian mindset.
It’s not pessimism. It’s not negativity.
It’s a healthy skepticism that searches for untested assumptions, faulty logic, and sloppy execution.
When done right, being a skeptic drives superior results.
Here’s why. If the answers all add up – and they never do – you’ve got nothing to talk about. Nothing to improve. The status quo wins.
And we all know you cannot sustain fun, engaging and profitable work with status quo thinking.
Alternative perspectives are what drive new ideas, new solutions and new markets.
This is why it’s important to constantly question what’s true, what’s false, what’s known, and what’s unknown.
Here are a few ways to turn common meatball questions into more valuable insights:
What business are we in: Is it a good one to be in? Is it stable? What adjustments or adjacencies could take it to another level or open new opportunities?
How do we operate/make money: Are there other/better ways to price, bill, buy, and make money? Are there looming threats to cash flow? What can we control and what is beyond our control?
Do we have the right people involved: Who should really be on the team? Have we enlisted the right stakeholders? Who else do we need?
So question every question. Assume nothing.
The next big breakthrough is out there. But you won’t find it if you’re not looking for it.
Have a great week.

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