Author, pastor, and leadership expert Andy Stanley flashed a quote at the Leadercast Live event in May that seemed to capture the root cause of some of the biggest problems we see in our country, and our world:
“Those who devote themselves to themselves will
ultimately have nothing but themselves to show for themselves.”
Stanley was one of nine speakers that day who spoke on the Power of Purpose and how to add more of it to your personal and professional life. It was an inspiring day filled with many motivating thoughts and ideas.
After Stanley’s ominous warning above, he went on to suggest many good ways to “become a means to an end.”
If selfishness is the biggest threat to society, then selflessnessis the antidote:
“If you devote yourself to more than yourself, you will
ultimately have more than yourself to show for yourself.”
The biggest challenge with any big idea or piece of advice is how to make it a habit, and how to operationalize it and make it a part of your daily routine.
Here’s a simple idea that I’ve used, and also one that I’ve suggested to our kids as we’ve sent them off to schools and camps over the years:
Be helpful. By being kind and useful at the same time.
It’s easy to remember and internalize, and it helps you consider other people as you act and make decisions.
And it’s a nice reminder to always try to make more contributions than withdrawals.
Have a great week.

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