Number-crunchers, engineers, and computer programmers continue to be some of the most sought after professionals in business today.
We need them to calculate possibilities and prove potential, we need them to build new structures and technologies, and we need them to write the code that makes it all shareable on our laptops and smartphones.
But Dan Pink, the popular author of “Drive” and “To Sell Is Human,” maintains that the future belongs to a very different kind of person with a different kind of mind – creators, meaning-makers, storytellers, and empathizers.
In his latest book, “A Whole New Mind,” Pink says there are six essential aptitudes on which personal and professional success will increasingly depend as we move into what he calls the Conceptual Age and the rise of the right brain – the conceptual, spatial and creative side of the brain:
- Not just function but also DESIGN. It’s economically crucial to create something that is whimsical, beautiful and emotionally engaging.
- Not just argument but also STORY. A compelling narrative is needed to communicate effectively and also persuade.
- Not just focus but also SYMPHONY. Seeing the big picture, recognizing patterns, and combining disparate pieces into a stimulating whole.
- Not just logic but also EMPATHY. Caring for others, forging relationships and understanding what makes people tick are characteristics that will distinguish those who thrive.
- Not just seriousness but also PLAY. Too much solemnness is boring and unhealthy. We need play to energize and inspire.
- Not just accumulation but also MEANING. A world of material plenty now allows us to pursue purpose and spiritual fulfillment.
The Conceptual Age has begun and Pink begs yet another interesting question: If we’re lacking the above essentials, how do we get them?
Study them, practice them, and be ready to hire them.
Have a great week.

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