This little Sunday morning note was born two years ago and I want to thank you for your readership, encouragement and input along the way. Thank you for your time, and, if you’ve gone out of your way to reply back with a comment or kind word, it is greatly appreciated.
Some posts have been more popular than others based on reader responses, sharing, and traffic, and I thought it would be useful to highlight a few of these in case you missed them:
You have three seconds – Remember to observe the 3:30:3 rule to earn the curiosity and interest of your prospects and foster engagement.
Next play – Coach K’s mantra: good or bad, move on and focus on the next task.
Just do it – Teddy Roosevelt’s classic Sorbonne speech on trial, error, and winning.
Visit our main blog to glean more good ideas. And feel free to share them with friends, colleagues, sales teams, and your own customers.
Have a great week.
photo credit: Claudio.Ar via photopin cc

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